Challenge.2_C Program To Find Simple Interest

     Hey Folks! This is the solution post for challenge.2_C Program To Find Simple Interest.

C program to find simple interest

  • LOGIC :

Since we know that the simple interest of any amount is calculated by : S.I = P*R*T / 100. So we'll first take input of principle amount, rate and time period by user and then we'll calculate the S.I by the formula.

  1. Start
  2. Declare variables for principle amount(p), rate(r), and time(t).
  3. Take input from user for p,r and t.
  4. Calculate S.I = (p*r*t)/100
  5. Print p, r, t and S.I
  6. End
  • CODE :
#include <stdio.h>

int main ()
    //declare variables
    float p,r,t;
    printf("Enter amount, rate and time respectively : ");
    //input amount, rate, time
    scanf("%f %f %f",&p,&r,&t);

    //calculate Simple Interest
    float si=(p*r*t)/100;
    //print input data
    printf("Principle amount : %.2f",p);
    printf("\nRate : %.2f",r);
    printf("\nTime : %.2f",t);

    //print Simple Interest
    printf("\nSimple interest : $%.2f",si);

    return 0;


  • OUTPUT :

Enter amount, rate and time respectively : 3000 0.35 5
Principle amount : 3000.00
Rate : 0.35
Time : 5.00
Simple interest : $52.50


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