Hey Folks! This is the solution post for challenge.2_C Program To Find Simple Interest.
Since we know that the simple interest of any amount is calculated by : S.I = P*R*T / 100. So we'll first take input of principle amount, rate and time period by user and then we'll calculate the S.I by the formula.
- Start
- Declare variables for principle amount(p), rate(r), and time(t).
- Take input from user for p,r and t.
- Calculate S.I = (p*r*t)/100
- Print p, r, t and S.I
- End
- CODE :
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
//declare variables
float p,r,t;
printf("Enter amount, rate and time respectively : ");
//input amount, rate, time
scanf("%f %f %f",&p,&r,&t);
//calculate Simple Interest
float si=(p*r*t)/100;
//print input data
printf("Principle amount : %.2f",p);
printf("\nRate : %.2f",r);
printf("\nTime : %.2f",t);
//print Simple Interest
printf("\nSimple interest : $%.2f",si);
return 0;
Enter amount, rate and time respectively : 3000 0.35 5
Principle amount : 3000.00
Rate : 0.35
Time : 5.00
Simple interest : $52.50
That's all for today. If you get any problem then don't hesitate to ask.
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